HIPAA and Client Privacy Practices
Confidentiality of Member Information & Release of Records Medical records should be maintained
in a manner designed to protect the confidentiality of such information and in accordance with
applicable state and federal laws, rules and regulations.
All consultations or discussions involving the member or his/her case should be conducted discreetly and professionally in accordance with all applicable state and federal laws, including the HIPAA privacy and security rules and regulations, as may be amended.
All provider practice personnel should be trained on HIPAA Privacy and Security regulations.
The practice should ensure there is a procedure or process in place for maintaining confidentiality of members’ medical records and other PHI; and the practice is following those procedures and/or obtaining appropriate authorization from members to release information or records where required by applicable state and federal law.
Procedures should include protection against unauthorized/inadvertent disclosure of all confidential medical information, including PHI.
Every provider practitioner is required to provide members with information regarding their privacy practices and to the extent required by law, with their Notice of Privacy Practices (NPP).
Employees who have access to member records and other confidential information are required to sign a Confidentiality Statement.
All personal and/or protected health information as defined under the federal HIPAA privacy regulations, and/or other state or federal laws.
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) is a federal law that required the creation of national standards to protect sensitive patient health information from being disclosed without the patient’s consent or knowledge. The US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) issued the HIPAA Privacy Rule to implement the requirements of HIPAA. The HIPAA Security Rule protects a subset of information covered by the Privacy Rule. For additional details visit https://www.cdc.gov/phlp/publications/topic/hipaa.html

To meet health and safety standards for re-opening businesses, reduce risks, and fulfill obligations to the community,
payors, regulators, and grant allocators, the following guidelines are outlined for Elizabethtown Partners in Counseling, Inc.
Recommendations are taken from the KY Phased Gradual Opening of Businesses guidelines of the Governor’s “Healthy at Work” procedures. This is a phased approach to reopen Kentucky’s economy. Healthy at Work is based on criteria set by public health experts and advice from industry experts.
Per Governor’s Office statement on Telehealth-In all phases, health care practitioners should still maximize telehealth rather than in-person services. Continuation of telehealth as the main form of service delivery is strongly suggested through December 31, 2020. As information and recommendations for health and safety guidelines change, Elizabethtown Partners in Counseling will adapt service delivery as required.
Telehealth and Telemedicine service delivery offer less risks than in-office visits. However, clients and therapist may prefer or require face to face in-office services. In-office sessions are permitted though may be modified due to standards of sanitation and social distancing practices required for Elizabethtown Partners in Counseling to facilitate in the office services.
Elizabethtown Partners in Counseling COVID-19 Personal Protective Measures
We have a supply of masks to accommodate clients/therapist/team members who need masks. Hospital-grade sanitizer has been purchased and will be placed in each office room. As a team, Elizabethtown Partners in Counseling will work towards reducing risks to ourselves, clients, and others. Below are several procedures that are being implemented to minimize in-office exposure and to create a safer environment for us all.
Prior to Appointments
The Office Manager confirms appointments and inform clients of in-office safety/health procedures. Masks, temperature checks, wellness
screen, waiting in the parking lot until contacted, no visitors, etc.
1. During phone reminders, we will inform clients who choose in-office sessions that wearing a mask will be required in the office
unless prohibited due to a medical condition. If a client does not have a mask, upon entry into the building the client one will
be provided a mask.
2. We will inform clients of temperature check and general health screening questions to be answered.
3. We will inform client that no visitors are allowed inside the office unless approved due to exceptional
circumstances (case by case need) by the therapist.
4. We will inform clients they will need to wait in the parking lot and will be contacted when they may enter the building.
5. We will sanitize the office regularly and in between office visits.
Office Entry Process
1. Clients will need to wait in the parking lot until they are contacted to enter the building.
2. Clients (unless approved by the provider) are not to bring visitors into the office.
3. The client will be contacted to enter the building via text, phone or by office personnel.
4. Upon entry into the office, individuals will be given masks if needed.
5. Individuals are asked to wash hands and have temperature checked.
6. Temperature check, hand washing, and general health status for clients will be documented by the Office Manager or other personnel.
How we are working together to stay safe and healthy:
1. We sanitize each office before and after use.
2. We are washing our hands often with soap and water or use hand sanitizer.
3. We are keeping the office tidy, clean, and sanitized.
4. We are sanitizing the bathroom after each use, cleaning frequently touched/used items regularly, and cleaning offices between face-face sessions.
5. We are using plastic barriers for face-face encounters in the main office.
6. We are staying at home if we are sick, have been near someone who is sick, or believe we may have been exposed to Covid-19.
7. We are maintaining social distancing, keeping people at least six feet apart in all possible settings, wearing masks, and
employing other steps to minimize direct contact between individuals.
Payments Accepted
EPIC accepts self-pay, Medicaid, and Medicare, and most commercial health insurances.
Call (270) 360-1222 or email info@elizabethtownpartners.com to schedule an appointment today.